Calculate seizure index

Enter first date: cal.
Enter second date: cal.  
Days between dates  
Select date format:
Enter # of seizures:
CALCULATE seizure index:
  1. This page calculates seizures per day, or "seizure index". Enter the date of the last clinic visit, the date of this visit, and the number of seizures. Press CALCULATE to compute the seizure index.
  2. Date format is mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy. Month and day may be one or two digits. The year may be one to four digits. Click cal. for a popup calendar.
  3. The script will pop up an alert box and mark the days between dates as questionable if a date is invalid. If you correct a date you must remember to re-calculate the days between dates for it to be valid.
  4. Press the seizure index CALCULATE button to calculate both the days between dates and the seizure index.
  5. The only hard part of this computation is calculating the days between clinic visits. For details on calculation of days between dates, click here.

Last revised 3/21/2008
M. Steven Evans [ mail home page ]