Bluebells in a woods

I can't walk in my own woods
Without ringing a
Few silly Bluebells.

    * * *

There is rarely one.
The forest floor is blooming.
Thousands of Bluebells.

    * * *

The sun is still weak.
Floods will come to ruin you..
Why now Bluebells?


Are we impatient?
The sun is low but not set.
Illinois moonrise.

    * * *

I see your full face.
Your lunar rays are stronger.
Lunacy tonight!

    * * *

Rocks and dirt, that's all!
A million miles there and back.
Not one brick of cheese.

    * * *

Go away now sun.
The lesser light is full tonight.
And the night she rules.


Mayfly, I like you.
But don't bring five hundred friends
Around my porch light.

    * * *

With wings like stained glass
And a long, delicate tail,
You must be quite proud.

    * * *

Mayfly on wild oats.
I will not see you again.
Seize the day, my friend.

Praying mantis

A fly and mantis.
Mantis strikes, impales, ingests.
A mantis alone.

    * * *

Leather-winged soldier.
A prayerful predator
Who rules the meadow.

    * * *

Little Miss Mantis,
In which garden is your home?
In which galaxy?

Ambush bug

Look closely, reader.
See the ambush bug lurking.
No clover is safe.

    * * *

Go in little fly.
Go and meet the ambush bug.
He's very friendly.

    * * *

Flies are nutritious,
Honey bees are delicious.
But I kill for fun.


Midnight storm
Lightning flashes
Fireflies answer

Stag beetle

Milady beetle,
So shiny, so feminine.
Are you too a stag?

    * * *

In shiny armor
I will crush the small and weak
With jaws of chitin.